Terms and Condition

These terms and conditions (the "Terms") are a legally binding agreement between Mun Pluse Entertainment Private Limited ("we," "us," or "our"), the operator of the decorsdream, and any individual or entity that accesses or uses the website in any way ("you" or "your") or uses any current or future service or functionality or offer made available on the website (the "Service(s)").

The decorsdream provides a forum for you, too, among other things, to enable you to discover, select, and buy Products listed on decorsdream at the indicated price at any time from the locations serviceable by us. The terms and conditions for usage of the decorsdream Platform, as set out in this document ("Terms of Use"), specifically govern your access and use of the decorsdream.

Please be aware that we reserve the right to occasionally modify the terms and conditions governing your usage of the decorsdream. Please review these Terms of Use each time you want to use our decorsdream to make sure you are aware of the current rules and regulations. Please be aware that we reserve the right to alter the layout and content of the decorsdream at any moment or to halt its operation altogether in order to perform support or maintenance tasks, update the content, or for any other reason.
Any use of the decorsdream, including but not limited to accessing, browsing, or otherwise, constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Use, the decorsdream's privacy policy, and any other rules or regulations that may be in effect at the time of your use of the decorsdream and may be updated from time to time (collectively, the "Agreement").

We give you a limited, revocable authorization to access and use the Services and authorize you to view and use the decorsdream Platform solely for the purposes of identifying Products, making purchases of Products, and processing returns and refunds in accordance with the Return and Refund Policy.
You declare that you are at least 18 (Eighteen) years old and that you are fully able to engage in, abide by, and comply with this Agreement by accepting this Agreement. Users under the age of 18 (Eighteen) are presumed to be using and browsing the decorsdream under the supervision of their parents or legal guardians, who are also presumed to have read and agreed to this Agreement's terms, including those governing the purchase of Products on behalf of the minor user. If it comes to our attention that a user is under 18 and using/browsing the decorsdream without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, we retain the right to immediately terminate that user's account. Additionally, if you are utilizing the Services on behalf of a business or organization, you warrant that you are authorized to act on its behalf and that the organization has agreed to this Agreement.

You can opt to register on the decorsdream or checkout as a guest in order to buy Products on the decorsdream and/or use the Services. A one-time registration is required. After completing the necessary forms and giving us any additional information we may have requested at the time of your registration, you will be qualified to access and use the Services as soon as you receive a confirmation email from us.
The account you created is only permitted to be used by you. In order to avoid unauthorized access to your account, it is your obligation to keep your login information on the decorsdream secure and to limit access to your computer, mobile device, and other similar devices. You will continue to be held completely responsible for all actions made using your account.

You agree to (a) notify us right away if your account is used without authorization or if there is any other security breach, and (b) make sure you log out of your account at the conclusion of each session. If you violate these Terms of Use, neither we nor our employees, agents, directors, or officers will be responsible for any resulting loss or indirect damage. You can be held accountable for any losses suffered by another user or us as a result of your unlawful use of that user's account. At any time, without prior notice to you, we have the right to restrict access to the decorsdream, terminate accounts, and remove or edit content.

We shall make an effort to provide that any advice and Information (hence, "Information") offered as part of the decorsdream is accurate at the time of inclusion on the platform, whether it relates to the products, services, offerings, or other topics. The Information's accuracy is not warranted by us. Regarding the accuracy or completeness of the Information, we make no guarantees.

You acknowledge that the provision of Information to you is subject to your independent assessment of its applicability for your purposes prior to use or in conjunction with any decision you may make. A request to invest in us or any of our affiliates does not exist in any information on the decorsdream. You use the Information and this decorsdream at your own risk. If you access, utilize, or rely on this website, the Information, or any other website that is linked to the decorsdream, neither we nor our affiliates nor their officers, employees, or agents shall be liable for any loss, or expense. We disclaim all liability for any third-party website' content and do not vouch for the truth or accuracy of any information found there. You totally assume all risk and expense if you choose to access any links to third-party services.

Nothing in this document should be interpreted as a recommendation to use any product, procedure, piece of equipment, or composition in violation of any patent or for any other reason, and we offer no express or implied promise or warranty that doing so won't do so.

We make no promises or warranties, either express or implied;
In relation to the content (including Product or pricing information and/or specifications) on decorsdream or its quality, suitability, accuracy, reliability, performance, safety, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose/consumption;
That the Services will constantly be accessible; and
That any defects in the operation of the decorsdream or the servers that make such content, Information, and materials available will be corrected, or that the functions contained in any content, Information, or materials on the decorsdream or any third-party sites or services linked to the decorsdream will be uninterrupted.

You are given this decorsdream and the services on an "as-is" and "where-is" basis without any guarantees or warranties. We disclaim all representations and warranties, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third parties with regard to the decorsdream, the Information, or any products or services to which the Information refers on behalf of ourselves and any third party providing materials, services, or content to this website. Even if we have previously been informed of the possibility of such damages, we will not be liable to you or any third party for any damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, arising from or connected with the site, including but not limited to your use of this site or your inability to use it.

The decorsdream is controlled and operated by us from India. We make no claims regarding the suitability or availability of the materials and content therein for use elsewhere except in India. If you access this decorsdream from a country other than India, it is your exclusive responsibility to ensure that all local laws are followed. These Terms of Use do not constitute, and they may not be used in connection with, any advertising or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction where such advertising or solicitation is not permitted or to any person to whom such advertising or solicitation is prohibited.
Information that we post online might make references to or cross-references to our programs, services, and products that aren't advertised or accessible in your country. These mentions in no way imply that we'll be announcing the mentioned Products, Programs, or Services in your nation. For information on the Products, programs, and Services that may be offered to you, speak with our local business contact.

In order to prevent phony accounts and transactions, we constantly monitor the user's account. Users who use the decorsdream fraudulently or who have multiple accounts are subject to legal action. We reserve the right to pursue the cost of the goods, collection fees, and attorney fees from such users. For fraudulent use of the decorsdream and any other unlawful acts or omissions in violation of these terms and conditions, we retain the right to bring legal action against such individuals. Prior to pursuing legal action, we reserve the right to instantly terminate the offending account and dishonor any previous and pending orders in the event that a fraudulent or refused transaction is discovered. We shall have no obligation to provide any reimbursements for the purposes of this clause.

You can communicate with, buy products and/or services, take part in promotions, and interact with advertisers, members, and sponsors of the decorsdream while using it. You can also access any other third-party websites that are linked to the decorsdream. Any such communication, advertisement, purchase, or promotion, including the provision of and payment for goods and/or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations related to such communication, purchase, or promotion, are unless otherwise specified, solely between you and the relevant third party. You acknowledge that the contract in such circumstances remains between you and the relevant third party and that we are not liable, responsible, or obligated for any such contact, purchase, promotion, access, or usage of any third-party website.

You award us an eminence-free, never-ending, unavoidable, non-selective right and permit us to embrace, distribute, duplicate, scatter, send, circulate, use, make subsidiary works from, show around the world, or follow up on any material posted by you on the stage without extra endorsement or thought in any structure, media, or innovation presently known or later created, for the full term of any privileges that might exist in such satisfied, and you postpone any case overall criticism, remarks, thoughts or ideas or some other substance gave through. At its request, you agree to carry out any additional actions required to complete any of the aforementioned rights granted by you to us, including signing documents and deeds.

Copyright laws, trademark laws, privacy and publicity laws, certain communications statutes and regulations, and other applicable laws and regulations may be broken by unauthorized use of any materials on the decorsdream. Only you are answerable for your activities or the activities of any individual utilizing your username and additionally secret phrase. As a result, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless us, our officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, licensors, and business partners from and against any claim or demand from a third party that your use of the platform or the use of the platform by any person using your user name and/or password (including but not limited to your participation in the posting areas or your Submissions) violates any applicable law or regulation or the rights of any third party. This includes attorney's fees.

We maintain whatever authority is needed to end admittance to this stage whenever and without notice. In addition, if you violate any of these Terms of Use, this limited license will end automatically and without prior notice to you. Any downloaded or printed materials must be destroyed as soon as the service is terminated. Regardless of whether the Terms of Use are terminated or expire, any provision of the Terms of Use that imposes a duty or creates a right by its very nature will continue to be in effect.

You guarantee and represent that: (a) your use of the decorsdream and/or Services will not infringe upon any rights of a third party; (b) all information you provide to us in connection with the decorsdream and/or Services is true, accurate, and lawful; and (c) use of the content and material you supply will not violate any applicable agreements or rights of a third party and won't harm anyone (including that it won't be defamatory). We have the right to refuse registration, cancel all orders, and forbid you from using the Services and other associated services in the future if at any point we discover that the information you have given is fraudulent or inaccurate. In the event that any of these warranties are broken, you undertake to hold us and our affiliates harmless from any claims made by a third party against you or your affiliates.

You will only use the decorsdream for legal purposes, and you won't engage in any actions that endanger the platform or its content or are otherwise not permitted by the platform. In accordance with these Terms of Use, you have a restricted license to access and use the decorsdream solely for the purpose of using the Services.
Any of the following will not be done by you:
Delete or change any content on the decorsdream, including any details about the Services' functionality, sales, or pricing;
Navigating or searching the decorsdream using any engine, software, tool, agent, or another method (such as spiders, robots, avatars, worms, time bombs, etc.);
Make defamatory or harmful claims against the Services;
Posting, copying, submitting, uploading, disseminating, or otherwise making available any computer files or software that contain viruses or other harmful components, disrupting or damaging the decorsdream and/or Services or any network connected system, or otherwise interfering with another person's or entity's use or enjoyment of the decorsdream and/or the Services;
Introduce any trojans, viruses, malware, bots, or other tools that would scrape the decorsdream for data;
Probe, scan, test, or otherwise tamper with our technological architecture and design or attempt to tamper with any system, security, or authentication measures we've installed;
Hack into the decorsdream or install any kind of malicious software there;
Gaining access to, interfering with, damaging, or otherwise disrupting the server that stores the information related to the Services, or any other server, computer, or database related to the Services; or
Participate in any antisocial, disruptive, or harmful behavior, including "flaming," "spamming," "flooding," "trolling,", "phishing," and "griefing," as those terms are typically employed online.
You are not allowed to host, display, upload, change, publish, transmit, update, or share any data on or via the decorsdream that:
Belonging to someone else and over which you have no legal authority;
Is damaging in any way possible, including harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, invasion of privacy, hateful, connected to or inciting money laundering or gambling, or any other negative behavior;
Damages children law in any way;
Violates any intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc.);
Violates any already applicable law;
Misleading the addressee about the source of the messages or sending any information that is blatantly insulting or ominous in character;
Defames or impersonates another individual; or
Contains computer code, data, or programs that have the ability to disrupt, delete, or restrict the functionality of any computer resource.

You have to indemnify, defend, and hold us and our affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, licensors, agents, and representatives harmless from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, and/or costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) made by any third party due to or arising out of your access to or use of the decorsdream or the Services, violation of these Terms of Use, or infringement of any of our or any third party's intellectual property rights. In the event of any such claim, loss, liability, or demand, we will promptly notify you and you will cooperate with us, at your expense, to defend against such claim, loss, liability, damage, or cost.

Without respect to the requirements of any jurisdiction's choice or conflict of law, the laws of India shall govern and be applied in the interpretation of these Terms of Use. You consent to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in India, for the settlement of any issues occurring in connection with these Terms of Use or other disputes arising in connection with the decorsdream, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise.

No waiver or permission to enforce any part of these Terms of Use shall be regarded as effective unless it is in writing and signed by us. Any express or implied permission by us to, or waiver of, your breach will not constitute consent to, waiver of, or justification for any additional, different, or subsequent breaches.

The remainder of these Terms of Use will be interpreted as if the unenforceable provision were excluded, and they will still be enforceable in accordance with their terms if any provision of these Terms of Use is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable under applicable law; provided, however, that in such a case, these Terms of Use will be interpreted so as to give effect, to the greatest extent consistent with applicable law.

These Terms of Use are subject to changes, modifications, and periodic updates without prior notification. It is advised that you frequently examine the Terms of Use as they are posted on the decorsdream. The most recent edition of these Terms of Use, as posted on decorsdream will govern your relationship with that platform.

If you have any query regarding these terms and conditions, contact us at munpluseentertainmentpvtltd@gmail.com / info@decorsdream.com

©2024 Mun Pluse Entertainment Private Limited | All Rights Reserved